Wednesday, March 3, 2010

One More Week!

Last Sunday, I had to be up by 6:30 in the morning to go do community service work with ASB. Despite the fact that I had to be up so early, it was a very eye-opening. We volunteered at Cortazon Ministries. Out of the 8 of us, each of us got assigned a different task. Some people served food. Others helped people fill out forms for food stamps. I helped in the clothing closet. My job was to just watch over the people and make sure they signed in and did not steal anything. It was a very easy job, but it did give me interaction with homeless people which I had not had any experience before. The clothing closet was a great service to the people getting help. Every person is required to take a shower before picking out one outfit. It provided a place for people to get clean and get fresh clothing. I think that is one of the best things that Cortazon Ministries is doing for the homeless.

Later that week, a professor of anthropology talked to us about homelessness and the research he has conducted. He had many interesting points to make. One of the most striking was that a large majority of homeless people are woman and children or families. Also, that the count/ census of counting homeless people is flawed, and that America underestimated how many homeless people there are in the country.

ASB has provided me a lot of new insight on the issue. Also, I have meet a lot of awesome people and made new friends. I can not wait to depart to D.C. next week.

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